



Friday, 21 March 2014

Comic Life Assignment

This comic is about you!

Using the program "Comic Life" create a typical week in the life of a Grade ___ student at John G. Diefenbaker PS.

Your Comic will be a story of you, over a one week period. You will create your story based on what you do at school and home.

Your comic should have at least two pages per day (for a total of 14 pages). You will include Monday to Sunday, a total of 7 days.

Be creative, be realistic! Here is your chance to tell us what you do during school, during lunch time, during recess, and what you do outside of school.

What do you do on the weekends? Do you play sports, go grocery shopping, go to the mall? What do you eat for dinner, do you help make dinner with your family, etc?

We will go over how to use the program Comic Life.

Quick Tutorial video for your reference:
